Stray Blade


Stray Blade

《迷失之刃》是一款動作冒險遊戲,你在其中扮演一名叛逆冒險家,要與你的夥伴布基 (Boji) 一起探索古老的亞欽山谷 (Valley of Acrea)。探索遭到遺忘的谷地所隱藏的歷史,並掌握三種亞欽金屬 (Acrean Metal) 的力量,藉此為這塊飽受戰爭摧殘的土地恢復平衡。


Stray Blade: Valley of Strays DLC story expansion launches today on PS 5, Xbox X|S, EPIC, GOG, & Steam! We […]

Greetings Stray Blade community, We are thrilled to announce that the Stray Blade 1.7 update is live on Steam and […]

This time we want to start by thanking all of you brave adventurers who dared to venture into the depths […]